Wednesday, October 27, 2010

You guys are all great thanks so much for the get well wishes. I notice i lost of readers in my absence or maybe there just not sharring the love and commenting and stuff. :(. well today  is gonna be a simple day lounge around and fight off the last of this flu. oh and a update on my diet i lost 10 lbs. at least 2 was cause of the cold though. so ive decided that my son is gonna be a bug for halloween i think hes excited.

question of the day.
If you could trade lives with anyone who would it be and why. (has to be a real person not fictional)

my answer for yesterday
I would probably spend up to 150 us on a pair of really good jeans. :)


  1. If it was for a day, LBJ. I'd give away all his money and donate all the furniture/homes/cars he has. Not like his newest contract won't make up for it right away.

    If it was forever, no one. :) I <3 my life, even though there are issues.

  2. for a day, I'd do Charlize Theron so that I could play with myself

  3. bill gates and then give myself a ton of money.

  4. i don't know who i'd like to be. i guess i'm comfortable being myself

  5. yup, still haven't figured out who :S lol

  6. Bill Gates. What it would be like to be rich...

  7. i agree, bill gates is prolly the winner for me!

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